A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

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"I wish she could remember our days together."

Serena is a short story where we meet a white-haired girl and, in turn, discover that she needs our blood to survive. 

Why does she seem so sad? Will I be able to do anything for her?


✶ A single ending with 4 slight variations and various dialogue options.

✦ Unlockable artwork and music gallery.

✶ Available in English and Spanish.

✦ Short duration. (≥1 hour)

Author's note:

This little visual novel is born from a dream of my own where I met a girl with a melancholic look on her face, who needed my blood. I wanted to capture that feeling in a short vn. So, it doesn't have too many pretensions. I hope you will still have a nice time.

Special thanks to "Kalokagathos" for proofreading the English translation. 
Thank you for your support! 🎔

StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux, Android
Rated 4.2 out of 5 stars
(12 total ratings)
GenreVisual Novel
TagsRen'Py, Short, Singleplayer, Vampire


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Serena ~ Windows 254 MB
Serena ~ Android (.apk) 272 MB
Serena ~ Linux
Serena ~ Mac 249 MB
Serena ~ OST 18 MB

Also available on


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Felt like a fever dream, if she was rich there should have been more ways to get blood than to sacrifice the MC for the story.


This game deserves more attention, I occasionally come back to play it because it's just that good.


I can't believe I've been so stuck with school I missed this from you. Very likeable game per usual.


sinceramente es una historia muy interesante, he echado un poco de menos el sonido del texto al avanzar pero nada a lo que no me pudiera acostumbrar, se nota que con cada obra mejoras a pasos agigantados, la música la destacaría también, es muy bonita y la presentación de la obra me ha encantado, una pena que sean así de cortas la verdad, cada obra que haces me dan ganas de que duren mucho más de lo que duran en realidad, pero supongo que en cuanto a eso nunca tendré suficiente, son adictivas, divertidas, entretenidas y bonitas, son prácticamente perfectas para olvidar los problemas que tengas en mente y pasar un buen rato incluso con amigos, espero que puedas y quieras escribir muchas más y llegues mucho más lejos, eres un artista en toda regla sin duda alguna, mucha suerte creando contenido y sobre todo espero que te diviertas también haciéndolo :)

A mí personalmente también me gusta el sonido del texto en los diálogos, pero a algunas personas les molestaba (aunque se puede silenciar o bajar de volumen en las opciones), por lo que esta vez decidí probar a hacerlo sin ese detalle.
Sé que muchas veces mis obras son muy cortas, pero como no tengo todo el tiempo, esfuerzo y habilidad que me gustaría, muchas veces debo de desechar ideas o limitarlo un poco para no abrumarme.
Te agradezco muchísimo tus palabras de ánimo, y me alegro de corazón de que hayas disfrutado mis novelas hasta la fecha. ^_^


this game was really sad ı cryed 4 or 5 times but it was truly a masterpiece





Intrigued by the story of Serena (the game), along with Serena's (the character) and Edgar's conversations when going through the 3 acts. I felt bad for Edgar since he signed what basically was a contract with the devil, but at the same time Edgar did what he felt was right for Serena. Thank you for making Serena, Eroraen! :D 


Thanks to you for playing and enjoying it!


My favorite part of the game is I also complain about loneliness I don't need the blood of people like Rebeca to live, but I'm lonely like Rebeca The endings were good but it could have been an ending that somehow healed Rebeca and both of them survived, still a great game 11 out of 10

I almost cried (I don't usually cry lol)

(Thx for android port tho) 


I am honoured that it made you feel such bittersweet feelings.
Thank you so much! ^_^


android port, must be


I've just added an android version (I hope it works well).


(Minor Spoilers)

This is your best visual novel yet Eroraen! So much of it was done very well. 

The art was fantastic, Serena’s design was very well done and I love the way you used colors during the sunset and starry night scene.

The English, while being iffy at times, is a definite improvement from your previous games, with better grammar and more natural dialogue.

The music was a big improvement from Reiko, too. It captures the theme of the game perfectly.

Speaking of the which, I really like the themes of self-sacrifice, loneliness, love, loss, and grief. It was very touching. When Serena said she was afraid of getting close to Edgar because he was going to inevitably leave made me sad ;~;

Also, it seems that Rebeca managed to sneak into another one of your games, lol

Nevertheless, I really did enjoy this visual novel of yours, and can’t wait for the rest to come!


One thing I wanted to do is to play a lot with the colours in each different scene. Because I personally love it when something is flooded with different colours.

And thanks to the help of a follower, I was able to correct a lot of mistakes in the translation!

I was a bit unsure about the final result of this vn, but I'm very happy to see that you liked it.

Thank you very much!


Interesting take on vampires, it really felt like it was not simply the need for blood but people she met or fed her effectively became enthralled. It really came across her melancholy to the situation as if it was somewhere between acceptance and sadness to what she is. Loved reading the game, and seeing all of the endings.

Wow! I didn't expect someone to make a video this time. (And so quickly!) I really appreciate it so much!


i Have Played All Of Your Games And Love Them but i cant play this game because its not in the android can you make android version too please

I am having problems with the Play Store. So I can't publish an Android version for now, sorry!


estaba impaciente por una nueva entrega, pinta muy bien lo poco que he visto, además de que el estilo de dibujo y los colores me gustan mucho, es hora de empezar a disfrutar